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Adar on our minds

05/02/2021 09:43:38 AM


Three items:

  1. CBC reporter Robyn Bresnahan recently recorded an interview with Rabbi Bulka. Rabbi Bulka spoke about his illness, the prayer service on his behalf, and how to encourage people facing illness. Honestly, I was encouraged just to hear Rabbi Bulka's voice. Click here to listen.
  2. In memory of Rabbi Dr. Avraham Twerski זצ״ל, his friends and neighbours have started a global initiative to encourage Jews around the world to start off their meal this Friday night by singing the song הושיע את עמך״” with the tune composed by Rabbi Twerski over 60 years ago. This is a small way to remember a special person who inspired so many people to develop self esteem, compassion and tolerance while living a happier and holier life. Click here to listen to Rabbi Shlomo Katz's rendition of this now classic nigun.
  3. Nine rabbinic colleagues and I have written a joint letter to our Toronto communities. We begin:

This Shabbat, we will bless the new month of Adar. “When Adar arrives, we are to increase our Simcha (joy).” This is true every year. It is especially important this year, when so many are suffering particular stress, pain, isolation, and loss. With Purim just a few weeks away and the realization that Covid-19 has created unique circumstances, we share this document with you to outline the special features that pertain uniquely to this year's Purim holiday. Click here to read the full letter.

Wed, 15 May 2024 7 Iyyar 5784